Platinum recognition for exceptional performance on SCS HS2 Main Works

King Lifting has once again been recognised for its outstanding work on the HS2 Main Works Lots S1 and S2, receiving the Platinum certification for achieving High-Speed Blue performance across three consecutive quarters.

This latest accolade follows gold certification awards in August this year, and July 2023, making this the third recognition for King Lifting on this critical UK infrastructure project.

Martin New, Head of London Crane Operations, remarked, “This recognition highlights the professionalism and dedication of our King Lifting team. Consistently achieving excellence over three quarters is an accomplishment we’re immensely proud of.”

King Lifting awarded SCS Gold Certificate for exceptional performance on the HS2 projects

King Lifting has obtained a High Speed Blue Gold Certificate for demonstrating exceptional performance on the HS2 projects. 

The certificate from SCS Railways is for our involvement on the Main Works Lots S1 and S2 project in the last two consecutive quarters.  

Martin New, Head of London Crane Operations, said: “King Lifting has been supplying cranes on a large scale across the HS2 Programme. We are proud to have received this award which recognises the highest standards delivered by our colleagues working on the projects, with flexibility and a positive outlook to exceed our customer requirements.” 

Watch first person drone footage of the launch of the third HS2 tunnelling machine. 

The Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) named ‘Lydia’, which weighs around 1,000 tonnes and is 150m in length, is being used to drill an 852m-long logistics tunnel for HS2. 

This particular machine was previously used to dig the Elizabeth Underground line tunnels; however, it has been transformed for use on this project. 

Once complete, this tunnel will help reduce carbon emissions across the capital on this section, eliminating thousands of lorry journeys and transporting materials at much quicker pace.  

King Lifting is well equipped to assist the rail industry, having been previously contracted to remove a tunnel boring machine (TBM) from a National Grid London power tunnel shaft at its Wimbledon site in August 2022.  

King Lifting maintains FORS GOLD accreditation

We are pleased to announce that King Lifting has maintained its Gold Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme status demonstrating our continued commitment to exceeding industry standards.

The Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) is a voluntary accreditation scheme for fleet operators which aims to raise the level of quality within fleet operations, and to demonstrate which operators are achieving exemplary levels of best practice in safety, efficiency and environmental protection.

The FORS Gold accreditation demands additional standards such as environmental impact, ensuring emissions are reduced and driver training and vehicle safety systems progressed to decrease incidents on the highway. Another significant part of the scheme is to demonstrate how King Lifting is achieving recruitment and retention targets such as recruiting from schools, colleges, universities, the armed forces, job seeker and job match services, industry schemes and campaigns. We are also proactively promoting FORS to our supply chain to ensure that our key suppliers are also delivering the same great standards as King Lifting.

The renewal of our status allows King Lifting to be the only mobile crane rental business in the UK to have obtained the FORS Gold accreditation at this time.


King Lifting first mobile crane company to achieve FORS Gold

Having achieved FORS Bronze in 2013 and Sliver in 2016 we are proud to announce that we are the first mobile crane company to achieve FORS Gold. The accreditation supports us in making best practice decisions to improve safety, fleet performance and sustainability. We are also encouraging our suppliers to gain the FORS accreditation.

King Lifting becomes FORS Silver accredited

We are pleased to announce we have now achieved the Silver Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) award.

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